

Operating System

Operating System

Operating system (OS) is the lifeline of computer.
                You connect all the basic devices like CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse; plug in the power supply and switch it on thinking you have everything in place. 
               But the computer will not start or come to life unless it has an operating system installed in it because OS −
                                    Keeps all hardware parts in a state of readiness to follow user instructions
Co-ordinates between different devices
Schedules multiple tasks as per priority
Allocates resource to each task
Enables computer to access network
Enables users to access and use application software
Besides initial booting, these are some of the functions of an operating system −
Managing computer resources like hardware, software, shared resources, etc.
Allocating resources
Prevent error during software use
Control improper use of computer
One of the earliest operating systems was MS-DOS, developed by Microsoft for IBM PC. It was a Command Line Interface (CLI) OS that revolutionized the PC market. DOS was difficult to use because of its interface. The users needed to remember instructions to do their tasks. To make computers more accessible and user-friendly, Microsoft developed Graphical User Interface (GUI) based OS called Windows, which transformed the way people used computers.

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